Batch File Processor Peak’s Batch File Processor is one of the most powerful, versatile, and useful features in Peak. Using the Batch File Processor, you can integrate any series of Peak processes (called a batch script), and apply these scripts to countless thousands of files. The currently open audio document and selection you make will be used for previewing processes sequenced into your batch script. To use Batch File Processing: 1. Go to the File menu and select Batch File Processing. Use the following instructions to configure it. Batch File Processor Peak’s Batch File Processor is split into three areas: Input, Process, and Save Changes. Sequence a series of steps for Peak to execute in the Process section, then set your output file settings in the Save Changes area. Once Peak’s Batch File Processor is configured, you may turn on the Batch File Processor in the Input area Once the Batch File Processor is configured and turned on, any files you drop onto the Peak application’s icon will be batch processed according to your settings. You can even drop folders or disks onto Peak’s icon and all of the supported audio contents will be batch processed. You can continue to dropping files, folder, or disks, onto the Peak icon for batch processing while the Batch File Processor is turned on. All subfolders within folders or disks you drag onto the Peak application for Batch File Processing will be recreated in the results location, preserving all organization of your files. You can also have the Batch File Processor run in the background while you continue work in Peak or any other application. An icon will flash in the upper left corner of your screen to let you know that the batch processing is enabled. Supported contents include all file formats that Peak can read, including AIFF, Sound Designer II, QuickTime™, Raw, JAM image files, System 7 Sound, .snd, .au, and WAVE files. Audio documents opened using the Open command from the File menu will not be batch processed. New audio documents created with the Batch File Processor will have the same file name as the original input audio document. Input Area The Input Area allows you to enable or disable batch file processing. Once the Batch File Processor is configured, you may turn it on with the On button. If you have finished batch processing and no longer need to batch process files, you can use the Off button to disable batch file processing. You can include/exclude mono or stereo files from the batch process by using the “Process All - ” “Only Mono - ” and “Only Stereo Files” buttons. “Process All Files” is the default setting. To have Peak’s batch processor only work with mono files, click the “Only Mono Files” button. Similarly, to only process stereo files (excluding mono files), engage “Only Stereo Files”. If you are going to process both stereo and mono audio documents, open a stereo audio document and make a selection before configuring the batch processor. This will allow most processes to make the correct decisions on how to process both mono and stereo input files using the Batch File Processor. Process Area The Process Area shows two lists. The list on the left, labeled “Available Processes:” allows you to select processes that will be used in your batch script. Almost every process or plug-in available in Peak will appear in this list. The list on the right is labeled “Selected Processes For Batch” and contains the Peak processes in the current batch script. Double-click on a process in the “Available Processes:” list to add it to the “Selected Processes for Batch” list. Alternatively, click on a process in the “Available Processes” list and then click the Add >> button. To remove items from the “Selected Processes for Batch” list, click on the items and then click on the << Remove button. When you add a process to the “Available Processes” list, you may be required to supply settings for the process. The frontmost audio document and selection will be used for any previewing the process may support. Peak’s batch processor allows you to use multiple instances, or occurrences, of a single process—each with its own settings. If you are going to process both stereo and mono audio documents, open a stereo audio document and make a selection before configuring the batch processor. This will allow most processes to make the correct decisions on how to process both mono and stereo input files using the Batch File Processor. You may also specify which part of the file to apply the process to. Once a process has been added to the “Selected Processes for Batch” list, you may use one of the buttons Entire File, Apply Just To First x Seconds, or Apply Just To Last x Seconds. Use these buttons to configure how to apply the selected process to an audio document. For instance, if you are using a “Fade In” process and only wish to apply it to just the first three seconds of the audio document, click the “Fade In” process from the “Selected Processes for Batch” list and then type “3” into the “Apply Just to First x Seconds” edit text field. All processes are applied by default to “Entire File” unless you configure the process otherwise. Save Changes Area Use the Save Changes Area to configure how your audio documents will be stored after they have been saved using your batch script. Click the Set... button to specify the output document format and settings. After clicking Set... you will be asked to provide the output file format, bit depth, and compression options using the “Save As...” dialog described in Chapter 4. Choose which folder to save the processed audio files into with the “Save As...” dialog. You can create a text “Log File” during batch processing to keep track of which files have been processed. This is useful for lengthy batch processing sessions where the possibility of a power failure or other circumstance could prevent the batch process from completing. Click on the “Log File...” checkbox to specify that a log file should be created for the batch process. After turning the “Log File...” feature on, Peak will ask you to provide a destination for the log file. The log file can be viewed using SimpleText or any application that can view text files. The Batch File Processor will divert any error messages to the log file if it is enabled. This is useful because any errors Peak encounters during batch file processing will not require user attention during processing. However, Peak will issue a System Beep sound if an error occurs during Batch File Processing. If this happens, check the log file for errors. Save Script Peak allows you to save your batch script into a settings file that can be recalled later. This feature is useful if you frequently process files using a specific sequence of processes. After configuring the Batch File Processor, click Save Script... to save your batch sequence into a Batch Script file. You will be prompted for a saving location and name for the batch script. The settings file holding your batch script will store the processes, each process’ settings, the and output file format. Load Script To recall a batch script settings file that was stored using the “Save Script” feature (as described above), click this button. To convert a folder of files into AIFF IMA 4:1 files Normalized to 95% with a Log: 1. Choose the Batch Processor... command from the File menu. 2. Double-click the Normalize item in the “Available Processes:” list. Enter “95” into the following normalization settings dialog. 3. Click Set... in the Save Changes Area of the Batch File Processor. Choose the AIFF command from the File Format pop-up menu. Choose the IMA 4:1 option from the Compression pop-up menu. 4. Choose the folder to save the output files into. Click Save. 5. You will be back in the Batch File Processing dialog. Click Log... and choose the output folder to save the log file into. 6. Click the On button in the Input Area of the Batch File Processor. The Batch File Processor is now turned on. 7. Click OK to close the Batch File Processor dialog. 8. Switch to the Finder, and drag and drop a folder full of audio documents onto the Peak application’s icon. 9. Peak will process all audio files in the folder that was dropped onto the Peak application icon. 10. Once the files have been processed, open an audio document, make a selection, and choose the Batch Processor... command from the File menu. You may then turn off the Batch File Processor by clicking Off in the Batch Processing dialog. Errors and Cancelling Batch Processes Any errors during Batch File Processing will produce a System Beep to notify you of the trouble. If an error occurs during Batch File Processing, Peak will not place an error dialog on the screen. This happens so that processing can continue. If you have specified that you wish to create a log file, errors messages that would appear in an error dialog will appear in the log file indicating where in the batch file process the error occurred. Once the batch file processor has started, it will continue to process files as quickly as possible. If you find it necessary to halt the batch process, press command -period. A dialog will appear allowing you to cancel the batch process. If you choose to cancel the batch process, Peak will finish processing the current file and then ignore all other incoming files from the Finder. Once batch processing has been cancelled, Peak will turn the batch file processor Off.